How does learning happen?
Our overarching goal is to provide a child care and early years setting that gives children the best possible start in life. Our programming includes goals and expectations for children in an early years setting. Our programming aims to reaffirm children as individuals and works to identify and further enhance strengths while at the same time working on other areas. In our view it is essential to provide the right environment and experiences for children to explore ideas, learn from actions and to interact positively with peers. Our classroom settings allow children to participate in social interactions, shared exploration, play and learning. Children are encouraged to ask questions. The program will promote children to try new ideas and to test theories by participating in certain hands on activities. Having a sense of belonging is very important for a child, children are greeted and treated in a friendly, professional manner.
Children learn in a variety of ways and at their own pace. Allowing your child to progress during all stages of his/her development without undue pressure is important during the Toddler, Pre-school and Kindergarten years.
Our carefully planned curriculum is based by utilizing various resources including input from our qualified experienced teachers and teacher’s assistants. To succeed at higher levels of education, being proficient at English and Math is very important, especially in senior high school grades and in post secondary.
Having your child comfortable with and effective at both Math and English from an early age will instill confidence and hopefully raise their own expectations. At these young ages it is sometimes best to spend time with the basics so as to build a solid foundation.
Our unique program will give children time in their assigned classrooms and time (when/if) ready with children in their respective older group classrooms. This experience gives young children the developmental activities and classroom instruction they need at this age, while providing the opportunity to be better prepared and adjusted for the older group. Younger children often learn faster by observing older children, while older children experience increased self esteem, self confidence and self awareness in interacting with younger children. Our families, our communities, our schools and our work places are comprised of people of different ages. We believe that children should have early opportunities to build social and emotional skills to work and interact with people of all ages. Our philosophy of caring for children is child driven and based on each child’s unique and individual needs. We in part base our daily activities on where children are in their social, emotional, creative, language, physical and cognitive development and in conjunction with the extent of their prior age group experience.
Toddler program
Our classrooms will allow for inquisitive Toddlers to explore and discover. We offer learning centers that will include a reading station, a sensory table and a dress up/pretend area along with a generous amount of age appropriate education related materials.
Our program is designed to make learning enjoyable, to promote children to speak and share ideas helping them to develop social skills and self confidence.
Pre-school program
During the pre-school student age, children will have an increased understanding of language, math and scientific thought. We will maintain a persistent approach in developing these skills. Children will be using our learning centers to develop and to advance emerging interests. We aim to have children move into JK/SK socially and academically prepared, excited to learn, comfortable in language and math, having the skills they’ll need to succeed.
Preparatory Kindergarten
More structure and routine is placed within the programming with an emphases placed on academics. Reaching potential as a person and not just as a student is not to be overlooked, so we will emphasize the importance of self esteem and relationship building. We aim to prepare children for future learning, to have them gain the skills needed to succeed in school and life

We have complimentary bussing service from:
- St. David's Catholic Elementary School
- Michael Cranny PS
- Le Petit Prince
- Julliard PS French immersion