905-417-3895 10103 Keele Street, Maple Ontario, L6A 3Y8
Kinderland Education and Childcare Centre will adopt the following measures to help protect against COVID 19.
* Handrails, doorknobs, faucets etc will be cleaned and disinfected daily multiple times both prior to opening and at the end of the day. * All staff are to wear Personal Protective Equipment including a medical mask. * Screening including a temperature check will occur for everyone entering the building. * Staff are to be relegated to the same classroom cohort. * Logs will be recorded for any and all visitors to the center. * Doors will remain locked with staff granting entry. * Plush toys and other difficult to disinfect items have been removed and replaced with toys/materials that can be easily and frequently cleaned. * Staff have been trained to monitor the children and be on watch for any potential symptoms that can be associated with COVID 19. *All parents have been informed of their responsibilities to help maintain the childcare center safe.
Questions/concerns about our COVID-19 protocols please feel free to send a message below: